ESTA - European Seed Treatment Assurance - is a voluntary Quality Assurance Scheme for Seed Treatment and Treated Seed (addresses the entire ‘chain’ that starts with seed to be treated till the use of the treated seed, because each step must be properly managed to be able to ensure quality and safety of the treated seed).
Process control provides a higher level of assurance that the output of the process meets the defined product requirements. Seed treatments combine precision and minimal active ingredient amount with maximum efficacy and minimal environmental impact.
Seed to be treated shall meet crop-specific criteria on moisture and cleanliness (dust levels, presence of broken/damaged seeds and other materials like chaff, other seeds, sclerotia, inert material).
It is the standard of ESA (European Seed Association) supported by the ESA members and the agrichemical industry.
This quality assurance system supports sustainable food, feed and fiber production by assuring the availability of crop protection through seed treatments, the same is a guarantee of crops safety.
Polish Seed Trade Association is the National Agent of ESTA in Poland.
ESTA system requirements and detailed information can be found at oraz
Companies interested in obtaining a certificate for ESTA are invited to apply to Certification Office.